
This is the Sea Angling Diary Project sign up form. This short questionnaire will only take 5 minutes to complete and will ask you for some basic questions about your sea angling, and some contact details.

By taking part in the diary project, you will be helping to demonstrate the impact of sea angling in England and Wales - and get access to an Online Catch Diary, Fish ID booklet, catch recording kit and free Mobile App!

Once you register you will receive a validation email which you need to respond to and log in before being able to use the app, diary and receive your pack.

Please note, only anglers who reside in England and Wales are eligible to sign up to the Sea Angling Diary Project 2024. For more information, contact . Or please click this link if you want to know more about eligibility for the SADP or to register interest in other angling research.

More information

Please read more details about the project at:


ALL information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. No details will be passed onto a third party without your direct consent. All your information will only be used in aggregate. You may give us permission to contact you about our angling research - but that is entirely up to you.

Problems, Queries

If you have any problems completing the survey, please email:

Welsh / Cymraeg

Os hoffech gael fersiwn Cymraeg o'r deunyddiau arolwg, anfonwch e-bost i:‘Please note, the Sea Angling Diary Project is currently only open to anglers residing in England and Wales.

1. Eligibilty

* In which country do you currently live? We need this to verify whether or not you are eligible to take part in the project Please select from the list below.

At this time the Sea Angling Diary Project is only open to new diarists resident in England or Wales. For more information, contact . Or please click this link if you want to know more about eligibility for the SADP or to register interest in other angling research. Ok

2. Sea Angling Participation This Year

* 1. Have you done any sea angling in the UK? Please say whether this has been in the last 12 months, longer ago than the last 12 months, or never?

* 2. In the last 12 months, on how many different days did you go sea angling in the UK? If your session went over more than one calendar day, count it as two days.

3. Sea Angling Participation

* 3. In total how many years have you been sea angling for (from when you first went to now)?

* 4. Has your participation in sea angling been consistent since the first time?

* 5. Which best describes your sea angling experience/skill level?

* 6. How important is sea angling for your lifestyle, in relation to your social life, work, other hobbies, etc? Please select from the choices below to indicate importance from 1 (not at all important) to 10 (very important).

4. Sea Angling Diary Sign up

* 7. Do you expect to go sea angling before the end of 2024 in the UK? Please tick Yes, No or Don’t know.

By selecting 'No', you are not eligible to register for the project.

* 8. Would you like to take part in the Sea Angling Diary Project? Please tick Yes or No.

This is a major UK-wide survey to help demonstrate the impact of sea angling and inform the sustainable management of stocks. You will be supplied with access to a free app, a unique online diary, catch recording kit and personal online dashboard. Please tick one option below.

* 9. How did you hear about the Sea Angling Diary Project? Please select one from the options below.

5. Your contact details

Please provide your contact details. So that we can send you the Sea Angling Diary Survey Pack and log in details and communicate with you, we need you to provide us with contact information. Your address will only be used to send the Diary packs and we will not pass these details on to anyone else. However, we cannot send you your packs and diary log in without your details. We are also asking for your email and phone number so that we can stay in touch during the year, help you to complete the survey and ask additional questions if. We will NOT use this information for ANY other purposes not related to the Diary project and we will NOT pass it on to ANYONE ELSE - unless you instruct us to do so at the end of the survey.

6. About You

Please provide some basic information about you. This is so that we know the profile of the respondents to this survey and we will not use or publish or pass on any identifying information.

* 11. What is your year of birth?
The project is only open to people aged 16 or older

* 12. Are you:.

We would like to know if you would be like to be contacted by Substance or other organisations. Contact details will ONLY be used for the purpose you indicate and will not be passed onto any other party. If you give consent to be contacted you can unsubscribe at any time.

* 13. Would you like to be contacted by Substance in relation to other research?

* 14. Would you like to receive newsletters from Fishing Megastore?.

* 15. Would you like to receive communications from any of the following organisations?
Please tick the organisations you would like to receive communications from. We will pass your email on to the organisation, but they will only be used for this purpose.
